Stonehenge tunnel set to get Government approval before next election

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작성일23-09-08 18:14


A tunnel is set to be built under Stonehenge to relieve one of Britain's most traffic-congested roads.
Chancellor George Osborne is expected to commit hundreds of millions of pounds to give the long delayed project the go-ahead.
It would end years of debate over the infamous bottleneck on the A303, which runs right past the World Heritage Site in Wiltshire. 
Historic: The World Heritage site was recently visited by U.S.

President Barack Obama during a NATO summit

It is expected that the new scheme will be along the lines of earlier plans considered for the site
It will also provoke furious opposition from campaigners, who fear a tunnel could damage the hugely important 5,000-year-old site, visited only last month by US President Barack Obama.
Traffic jams on the A303, one of the main routes into the South West, have plagued motorists for decades - prompting a local MP to brand it the ‘devil's highway'.

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Plans to tunnel under the monument were ditched by the last Labour Government in 2007 when
the cost of the proposed 1.3-mile subterranean passage reached £540 million.
However, government insiders last night signalled that Mr Osborne will use his autumn financial statement to commit money to reviving the scheme.
Improving the road to make a real alternative to using the M4 and M5 would be hugely popular with motorists heading to and from the South West - a key battleground for the Conservatives at next year's General Election. 
The National Trust wants the longest tunnel possible to take as many cars and trucks away from the site 

Chancellor George Osborne is expected to announce the A303 upgrade plan in his Autumn Statement 
A source stressed that no final decision had yet been made but suggested the move would be part of several major road improvement schemes set to get the go-ahead.
‘Because we've got a grip on the public finances, we can make investments in important infrastructure all over the country as part of our long-term economic plan,' he said.
The expected go-ahead comes after reports yesterday that the National Trust was now ready to support the idea of a tunnel up to 1.8 miles long under Stonehenge.
It also follows Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin's decision earlier this year to order a feasibility study into improving the A303, including tunnelling under Stonehenge or moving a section of the road to the north.
But sources indicated last night that the tunnel option was the likeliest to proceed.
Three weeks ago, Mr McLoughlin told the Tory Party conference in Birmingham that he wanted to improve ‘vital congested roads like the A303' soon.
Five other major road projects, including extending sections of dual-carriageway on the A1 in Northumberland and improving the A27 along the South Coast, are also under consideration.
Stonehenge, pictured, has been a major bottleneck on the A303 providing access to the south west 
Last night, Salisbury MP John Glen, whose constituency includes Stonehenge, welcomed the prospect of an end to the bottleneck.
But he said: blacksprut ссылка зеркало ‘Both the people of South Wiltshire and anybody who uses the road to go to the South West in the summer need a solution that will be deliverable in a believable time-frame - not a vague aspiration that falls at the first hurdle.'
Tom Fort, author of the book A303, Highway To The Sun, cast doubt on whether the tunnel would be built.

He said: ‘I'll believe it when I see it, and I do not expect to see it. It is about as likely as Lord Nelson getting his eye back.
‘And if they do build it, it would deprive hard-working, tax-paying motorists of the pleasure of a free view of the most famous prehistoric monument in Europe.'
The National Trust was unavailable for comment.